y Original Papers z
Itouga, M., Komatsu-Kato, Y., Kiguchi, H., Ono, Y. and Sakakibara, H. (2007) Iron analysis of sporophyte in Scopelophila ligulata using X-ray fluorescence micro-analyzer. Hikobia 15: 105-108.
Itouga, M., Komatsu-Kato, Y., Ono, Y. and Sakakibara, H. (2007) Probabilistic risk assessment of copper, cadmium and lead from ashes using protonemal cells of Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. Bryol. Res. 9: 215-222. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Hirano, K., Nakajima, M., Asano, K., Nishiyama, T., Sakakibara, H., Kojima, M., Katoh, E., Xiang, H., Tanahashi, T., Hasebe, M., Banks, J. A., Ashikari, M., Kitano, H., Ueguchi-Tanaka, M. and Matsuoka, M. (2007) The GID1 mediated GA perception mechanism is conserved in the lycophyte Selaginella moellendorffii but not in the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens. Plant Cell 19: 3058-3079. <<Abstract
Rivero, R. M., Kojima, M., Gepstein, A., Sakakibara, H., Mittler, R., Gepstein, S. and Blumwald, E. (2007) Delayed leaf senescence induces extreme drought tolerance in a flowering plant. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104: 19631-19636. <<Abstract
Kiba, T., Henriques, R., Sakakibara, H. and Chua, N.-H. (2007) Targeted degradation of PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATOR 5 by a SCFZTL complex regulates clock function and photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 19: 2516-2530. <<Abstract
Arite, T., Iwata, H., Ohshima, K., Maekawa, M., Nakajima, M., Kojima, M., Sakakibara, H. and Kyozuka, J. (2007) DWARF 10, a RMS1/MAX4/DAD1 ortholog, controls lateral bud outgrowth in rice. Plant J. 51: 1019-1029<<Abstract
Hirose, N., Makita, N., Kojima, M. Kamada-Nobusada, T. and Sakakibara, H. (2007) Over-expression of a type-A response regulator alters rice morphology and cytokinin metabolism. Plant Cell Physiol. 48: 523-539.<<Open Access
Naito, T., Yamashino, T., Kiba, T., Koizumi, N., Kojima, M., Sakakibara, H. and Mizuno, T. (2007) A link between cytokinin and ASL9 (ASYMMETRIC LEAVES 2 LIKE 9) that belongs to the AS2/LOB (LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES) family genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 71: 1269-1278. [PMID: 17485849]<<Abstract
Yokoyama, A., Yamashino, T., Amano, Y., Tajima, Y., Imamura, A., Sakakibara, H. and Mizuno, T. (2007) Type-B ARR transcription factors, ARR10 and ARR12, are implicated in cytokinin-mediated regulation of protoxylem differentiation in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol. 48: 84-96.<<Abstract
Kurakawa, T., Ueda, N., Maekawa, M., Kobayashi, K., Kojima, M., Nagato, Y., Sakakibara, H. and Kyozuka, J. (2007) Direct control of shoot meristem activity by a cytokinin activating enzyme. Nature 445: 652-655.<<Abstract
Iwama, A., Yamashino, T., Tanaka, Y., Sakakibara, H., Kakimoto, T., Hirayama, T., Sato, S., Kato, T., Tabata, S., Nagatani, A. and Mizuno, T. (2007) AHK5 His-kinase regulates root elongation through an ETR1-dependently integrated abscisic acid and ethylene signaling pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol. 48: 375-380.<<Abstract
y Review Papers z
Kuroha, T. and Sakakibara, H. (2007) Studies for improving plant productivity utilizing cytokinin. Bioprocess Hand Book, NTS Inc.@pp 490-496.