Discovery and utilization of key genes regulating plant productivity
The aim of our research group is the elucidation of cytokinin action on the control of organ development, sink-source balance, and the storage profile of assimilated products in order to improve plant productivity.
- 2016/03/31 : Dr.Fukui moved to Okayama University of Science.
- 2016/03/01 : Dr. Hachiya moved to Nagoya University.
- 2016/02/01 : Dr.Kasahara moved to Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.
- 2016/01/01 : Dr. Kitagawa moved to Cold Spring Harbor lab. in N.Y.
- 2015/11/01 : Dr.Tanaka moved to Wageningen University.
- 2015/06/01 : Dr.Mashiguchi moved to Tohoku University.
- 2015/04/20 : Dr.Yoshida Visitting Researcher joined to our lab.
- 2015/04/13 : Dr.Ales JSPS Postdoctral Researcher joined to our lab.
- We are interested in the functional mechanism of cytokinins, and are studying on cytokinin metabolism and signaling systems. To understand phytohormone network, we have developed a highly sensitive and high-throughput analysis platform of cytokinins, auxins, ABA, and GAs.
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- Plant productivity is determined by genetic factors and environmental parameters. We are studying not only the identification of gene functions regarding productivity, but also mechanisms that respond to environmental conditions.
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